Life Wasn't Meant To Be Perfect Read online

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  Like a rose,

  You bloom day after day,

  You grow stronger,

  You learn from all your mistakes,

  You smile everyday,

  Wanting everything to be ok,

  You fool everyone,

  Even the ones you call friends,

  You know your hurting inside,

  Dying slowly from all the pain,

  Crying yourself to sleep every night,

  Just wanting the horrible pain to go away,

  You can't seem to push yourself by,

  And just forget all the reasons why,

  Why this pain came to you,

  Why you are dying slowly inside,

  You want to tell someone,

  Don't know whom to trust,

  You want to get lost,

  But don't know where to run,

  Slowly feeling trapped not knowing what else to do,

  Deciding to end it all,

  Turning everything black,

  Nothing else now left to do.

  What I Want With You


  Everyday I spend by your side makes me love you more.

  You are the one I've always wanted and maybe even more.

  I think about you every second wanting you by my side,

  You always wipe my tears away when I start to cry.

  I love having you there next to me every second of everyday,

  I don't want you to ever go away.

  We are so happy together at least that's what I believe,

  I hope you feel the same way so we can live happily.

  You are the one of my dreams, the one that I have always wanted next to me.

  I want to be with you forever and be by your side eternally.

  One day we will get married very soon,

  I can't wait for that day to see you as a groom.

  I want to be your wife and live a happy life,

  Next to the one I love with no hurt or lies.

  Thank you so much for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please take the time to leave me a review I would really appreciate it.

  Thank You!

  Candy M Ayala